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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Word of the Day: Cucullated

You are walking down a shadowy alleyway; you know you shouldn't be there at this time. Your bag clenches, like your fist does, at the thought of someone taking it away. News stories of murder and theft flash across your mind. Could you be today's victim?

The soles of your shoes sidle along the path when you hear the steps behind you. Quick steps. An unclean smell washes across your senses and you realize something is amiss. A shadow of a hood is following you. The steps quicken and snatch! he's away. You shudder in disgust, fear, pity of yourself. Who, what, how did this type of person come to be? He is at least one thing: today's word. Cucullated: shaped like, or covered with, a hood.

To me, a cucullate sounds more like a type of shellfish you might eat at a popular deli. I imagine it pink with a popping shell, something someone might bring up in a conversation or home menu without really knowing what it is. Here is a photo of a cucullated Justin Bieber. Do you think the word could have a double meaning?

Happy fishing, possible cucullates.

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