But what if stress was our undercover friend, a kind of frenemy? Maybe its sweaty-palm odour was really a guarana-infused aroma, bettering our lives. Perhaps it was a form of protector, alerting you to a 'run vibe' with rapists, putting up red flags on your bad date, letting you know when someone from work was a little disappointed with your efforts. It may be that friend that gives you a swift kick when you're letting yourself down, especially in a hungover hemisphere. It wipes the smeared mascara off your face after a bad day, leading you reluctantly back to Excel. It might even give you a little kick at the gym after that myriad of coffees, in order make that tush a little tighter. What was the reason it was supposed to be bad again?
Lactose Intolerance: When Did It Become Cool? |
To those currently holding a stress serum or smelling salts under the tongue, the message is clear: less stress is only a beauty therapy massage away. But perhaps it may be time to enjoy the rollercoaster that is your hormones and personal problems; perhaps as an ode to the frenemy that is clearly here to stay. Stressedness is blessedness, the tool of the powerful and the complaint of the weak.